I had an amazing day singing at Wilton Shopping Village, Wiltshire yesterday for Armed Forces Day 2019.

I was given the warm up act before the D Day Darlings came on and felt privileged to be part of the day. The stage was an amazing converted Air Stream Caravan which came with all the PA System and sound engineers – I just went on and sang!

The biggest song of the day for me was Doris Day’s Que Sera Sera which had the whole audience singing with me – it’s such a pleasure to see and hear an audience singing along with you. I didn’t originally plan to sing the song this day but it went down so well at a care home last week I thought it would be perfect to get the crowd singing along and warmed up ready for the next act and it worked a treat!  After I had lots of people coming up to ask if they could take my photo or one of me with them – I felt very special – even got asked if I’d have a picture with a mascot! See me singing all the songs in the video below.

The D Day Darlings were a joy to watch and listen to all their harmonies. They came out in their uniform for their first set and wore wiggle dresses with poppies on them for their second, they looked amazing,and I got my picture taken with them!

As a Military Wife myself, singing for Armed Forces Day was a great opportunity to show my support to our serving men and women, veterans , cadets and all their supporting families. It was a no brainer.

Wilton Shopping Village puts on regular events with entertainment, so it’s well worth keeping an eye on their website.

I hope to do it all over again next year.

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